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Top 10 Used OCT for Glaucoma as a Screening Tool

OCT for Glaucoma

OCT for glaucoma is definitely a valuable clinical helpful tool for glaucoma diagnosis as well as detecting the progression of glaucoma in patients.

Once diagnosed with glaucoma, the ophthalmologist will want to monitor your vision regularly and ensure that the recommended treatment prevents additional vision loss.
— P Sathyan
SINGAPORE, September 21, 2022 / -- OCT is a non-invasive imaging test that utilizes light waves to take cross-section pictures of the Retina. OCT reveals the distinctive layers of the Retina, enabling the mapping and measurement of their thickness. The measurements enable testing and also provide treatment guidance for Glaucoma. 

Why is OCT used in glaucoma?

OCT for glaucoma scans will help assess all the macular glaucoma regions. Assessing the macular glaucoma regions is crucial because almost 50% of the ganglion retinal cells are in the macular region. This makes macular glaucoma regions ideal for detecting any early cell loss.

What is the OCT test used for?

OCT is an imaging method that is useful for generating the back of the eye’s or retina’s picture. The picture measures the total amount of red dim light reflecting off one’s retina. This makes OCT a routinely used imaging method for testing glaucoma.

How do you detect glaucoma?

To detect glaucoma, an individual is required to do a complete eye examination. To detect glaucoma, the ophthalmologist will measure the pressure of an individual’s eye. He will also inspect the drainage angle of the eye. He will also examine an individual’s optic nerve for damage and test the peripheral (side) vision. The ophthalmologist will also take a picture or the computer measurement of the optic nerve and measure the thickness of the cornea. 

How Does Glaucoma Happen

When fluid builds up in the front part of the eye, it causes an increase in eye pressure and which will subsequently damage the optic nerve. And you will not want your optic nerve hurt because it is responsible for carrying information from your eye to the brain. Thus once the optic nerve is damaged, it could lead to serious eye problems. 

Are there any risks associated with the Glaucoma Test? 

There haven’t been any known risks associated with Glaucoma testing; however, some of the tests described above could be uncomfortable and temporarily blur your vision. 

Can the Damage Cause By Glaucoma Be Reverse? 

No, the damage caused by glaucoma cannot be reversed, which means the condition will be permanent. However, further damage can be halted through surgery and the prescribed medicine. 

Can OCT Diagnose Other Conditions? 

Apart from glaucoma, OCT can also be used to diagnose diabetic retinopathy, vitreous traction, macular edema, macular pucker, macula hole, central serous retinopathy, vitreous traction, and age-related macular degeneration. OCT has been instrumental in diagnosing optic nerve disorders, but it cannot be relied upon to diagnose conditions that interfere with light passing through the eye.

What Follows If Diagnosed With Glaucoma? 

Given the outcome of the tests and the determination that you indeed suffer from glaucoma, one or more of the following treatments will be recommended. 

The Ophthalmologist may recommend that you undergo surgery, which will create a new opening that will enable the fluid to leave the eye. The specialist might also recommend some medicines, which can lower an individual’s eye pressure or even cause the eye to generate less fluid. Regarding prescriptions, some medications could be in the form of pills and others in the form of eye drops. 

The ophthalmologist could also recommend the implantation of a drainage tube implant, a type of surgery where a flexible plastic tube will be placed in the eye to help to assist in draining the excess fluid. 

Top 10 Used OCT for Glaucoma:

1. Optovue Avanti ($19,999.00)
2. Optovue iFusion ($8,888.00)
3. Wavelight Topolyzer Vario ($19,999.00)
4. Nidek Mirante ($25,999.00)
5. Optopol REVO FC ($12,999.00)
6. ZEISS CIRRUS 6000 ($49,999.00)
7. ZEISS PLEX Elite 9000 ($30,999.00)
8. Optos Silverstone ($20,555.00)
9. Ziemer Galilei G6 ($15,555.00)
10. Canon Xephilio oct-a1 ($15,999.00)


OCT for glaucoma is a valuable clinical helpful tool for Glaucoma Diagnosis as well as detecting the progression of glaucoma in patients. Getting OCT for glaucoma done with the correct method will provide accurate information for diagnosing glaucoma. From detecting moderate glaucoma to late disease conditions, early detection of glaucoma is certainly possible with the best OCT test tool.

About Saturn Optical

Saturn Optical is a WorldWide leading distributor, manufacturer, and supplier of the best and highly specialized ophthalmic and eye care equipment. Since 2006, Saturn Optical has dedicated itself to creating and delivering the best corneal topographers, OCT Machines, Fundus machines, and keratometers, among other types of ophthalmic equipment. Saturn Optical deals in new and pre-owned ophthalmic equipment, and all are tested rigorously to ensure that they deliver the best overall performance during their lifetime.

Fred Allen Jones
Saturn Optical

OCT Test for glaucoma

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